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Grinding Stones, Diamond (6 Set)

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Product Description

Dyma Serts are diamond segments welded to a backing plate to improve grinding speed and remove tough coatings. 

Dyma-Serts grind 5 times faster than grinding stones and last longer - up to 30,000 square feet (2,800 sq. m.) of grinding action. Dyma-Serts can be used for wet or dry grinding. 

Ideal for:

  • Smoothing rough surfaces or trowel marks 
  • Grinding or polishing terrazo 
  • Repairing surface damage to concrete slabs 
  • Removing urethane or epoxy thincoats 
  • Grinding sharp aggregates such as flint and granite 
  • Removing surface imperfections from epoxy mortars 
  • Leveling high spots 
  • Removing thin mastics and thin-set
